Monday, August 16, 2010

Right-wing vs. Left-wing vs. what's going on here?

So the "Christian" Right-wingers hate homosexuals and the "human-rights pushing" Left-wingers are for rights for all individuals, unless of course you are an individual in the womb.
Right-wing activists are quick to protect the rights of the unborn, yet quick to deny homosexuals some of the most basic human rights that are available to heterosexual couples as a part of their marriage rights. Why would anyone be against a civil union that provides basic rights to a human being,  regardless of race, gender, age, orientation?? Who is government to deny ANYONE equal rights across the board? This is not a gay marriage issue, which should NOT be regulated by government or even be an issue discussed in the responsibilities of the government. The government's role is protect individual rights, let the marriage issue reside in the church.

Left-wingers strongly advocate for the equal rights of homosexuals and women, but are pro-choice?? So let me get this straight. You claim to want to protect the innocent from having their human rights violated, yet you violate the most innocents' right to life itself? What if the fetus is a woman or gay, would you then fight for their right to life?

My stance is that you are either FOR human rights or you are AGAINST human rights. That means for life and equal rights for all humans, or against life and equal rights for all humans. You simply cannot pick or choose who to give rights to.

Your thoughts?


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